Sublease Terms and Conditions 1. Introductory Provisions

  1. 1.1.  Zeitraum s.r.o., Business ID No: 04184246, with its registered office at U Půjčovny 952/2, Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register of the Czech Republic kept by the Municipal Court in Prague under Ref. No C 243782 (hereinafter referred to as ‘Zeitraum’) is, inter alia, the operator of the following properties which it uses as a lessee and which it then leases to its clients:Zeitraum Student House U Průhonu at U Průhonu 1099/56, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic, Zeitraum Student House Seifertova at Seifertova 570/55, 130 00, Prague 3, Czech Republic, Zeitraum Student House Na Šachtě at Na Šachtě 572/5, 17000, Prague 7, Czech Republic, Zeitraum Student House Prvního pluku at Prvního pluku 322/21, 186 00, Prague 8, Czech Republic (hereinafter collectively referred to as the ‘Zeitraum Student Houses’).
  2. 1.2.  Zeitraum offers the lease of beds, rooms or apartments in various categories mainly to students for temporary stay, but also other people, in the Zeitraum Student Houses, especially in connection with clients’ studies or internships in the Czech Republic, i.e., it is not a long-term lease to provide housing needs.
  3. 1.3.  These Sublease Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the ‘T&C’) regulate (i) the procedure for concluding a sublease agreement between Zeitraum as the Zeitraum Student Houses operator and a natural person interested in subleasing premises in Zeitraum Student Houses for temporary stay (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Client’ and the ‘Agreement’) and (ii) the rights and obligations of Zeitraum and the Client arising from the Agreement.
  4. 1.4.  Pursuant to the Agreement, under the conditions set-out in the Agreement and the T&C, Zeitraum undertakes to temporarily leave the premises in Zeitraum Student Houses to the Client for use for the agreed temporary stay period determined by Zeitraum according to the Client’s selected category (hereinafter the ‘Subject of the Sublease’) and the Client shall undertake to pay to Zeitraum the agreed rent for using the Subject of the Sublease.
  5. 1.5.  The T&C are an integral part of the Agreement. Diverging provisions in the Agreement take precedence over the T&C provisions.
  6. 1.6.  The Parties rights and obligations to the Agreement not expressly regulated by the Agreement and the T&C are governed by generally applicable laws of the Czech Republic, particularly by the provisions of § 2201 et seq. of Act No 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Civil Code’). The provisions of the Civil Code on the lease of a flat and the lease of a house do not apply to the Agreement due to the fact that the purpose of the Agreement is not to ensure the Client’s housing needs, but temporary stay.

2. Agreement conclusion

2.1. Zeitraum offers subleasing of beds, rooms and apartments in Zeitraum Student Houses through Zeitraum’s website, The offer published on Zeitraum’s website represents a proposal for the Agreement’s conclusion in the sense of the provisions of § 1732 (2) of the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Offer’).

  1. 2.2.  The Agreement is concluded on the basis of the Client’s order made via the electronic reservation form on Zeitraum’s website, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Order’).
  2. 2.3.  The Client chooses the following on Zeitraum’s website, (i) Zeitraum Student Houses, (ii) the room type in the selected Zeitraum Student Houses (single room with private bathroom and shared kitchenette, double room with shared bathroom and shared kitchenette, apartment with private bathroom and private kitchenette, etc.), (iii) the number of people (1 or 2 persons) for whom the Subject of the Sublease is subleased, (iv) the required sublease period (start and end date of the sublease), which must be at least 30 days, and (v) the currency (CZK or EUR) in which the Client wishes to pay rent to Zeitraum for the Subject of the Sublease. Subsequently, the Client fills in their identification and contact data (especially name and surname, passport or ID card number, permanent residence address, telephone number, email address) and their roommate’s identification data if the Subject of the Sublease is leased for two people (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Roommate’) for Order purposes. Before sending the Order, the Client can check and change the data they entered in the Order.
  3. 2.4.  Before sending the Order, the Client has a link to the T&C available to get acquainted with them. Before sending the Order, the Client confirms by ticking the appropriate box that they acknowledge that the rights and obligations of the Client and Zeitraum are governed by the Agreement and the T&C, that they have read the T&C and agrees with them. It is not possible to place an Order without this confirmation.
  4. 2.5.  The Client sends the Order by pressing the CONFIRM button to confirm the Order, whereby the Client also confirms the correctness of the entered identification and contact data. By confirming the Order, the Client agrees to the use of means of distance communication when concluding the Agreement. The costs incurred by the Client when using means of distance communication in connection with the Agreement’s conclusion shall be borne by the Client.
  5. 2.6.  The Order is the Offer’s acceptance. The Agreement is concluded by sending the Order via the electronic reservation form.
  6. 2.7.  Immediately after sending the Order, the Client is obliged to pay to Zeitraum a deposit in the amount corresponding to one month’s rent for the Subject of the Sublease (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Deposit’), by card payment through the payment gateway where the Client is automatically redirected after sending the Order. The Deposit cannot be paid in any other way. If the Client does not pay the Deposit in this way immediately after sending the Order, the Agreement will be terminated (termination condition).
  7. 2.8.  The Client is informed with regard to the obligation to pay the Deposit to Zeitraum’s account, its amount and the payment method before sending the Order, as well as in relation to the Agreement’s cancellation conditions. Before sending the Order, the Client confirms by ticking the appropriate box that they have read the terms and conditions, which are also contained in the T&C, and agrees with them. It is not possible to place the Order without this confirmation.
  8. 2.9.  Zeitraum will send the Client confirmation of the Agreement’s conclusion, including the T&C, to the Client’s email address specified in the Order without undue delay after sending the Order and paying the Deposit. Confirmation of the Agreement’s conclusion, including the T&C, will be sent by Zeitraum to the Client in electronic form to the Client’s email address specified in the Order, or to another Client’s email address that the Client will communicate to Zeitraum for this purpose at any time at the Client’s request.

3. Client’s Instruction on the Right of Withdrawal

  1. 3.1.  Due to the fact that the Agreement is concluded by means of distance communication, the Client is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement without giving a reason within 14 days starting from the day following the conclusion of the Agreement, i.e., the day after the day the Client placed the Order.
  2. 3.2.  In order to exercise the right to withdraw from the Agreement, the Client must inform Zeitraum in writing of their withdrawal from the Agreement in the form of the Client’s unilateral legal

action (for example, by a letter sent through the postal service provider to Zeitraum, U Půjčovny 952/2, Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1, or by email sent to Zeitraum’s email address, To withdraw from the Agreement, the Client may use the attached sample form (T&C Annexe 1), but it is not the Client’s obligation.

  1. 3.3.  It is sufficient to submit the Agreement withdrawal at any time before the withdrawal period’s expiry to meet the relevant deadline.
  2. 3.4.  If the Client withdraws from the Agreement pursuant to this Article of the T&C, Zeitraum will return all payments which they received (including the Deposit) to the Client without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the date of Zeitraum receiving the Client’s withdrawal notification from the Agreement. The same payment method that was used by the Client for the initial transaction will be used for the refund unless the Client has expressly stated otherwise in the withdrawal notification from the Agreement. In no case will the client incur additional costs.
  3. 3.5.  If the Client withdraws from the Agreement pursuant to this Article of the T&C after taking over the Subject of the Sublease, the Client shall pay Zeitraum a proportionate rent for using the Subject of the Sublease for the period from the date of taking over the Subject of the Sublease to the day Zeitraum received the Client’s withdrawal notice and the Subject of the Sublease was handed over by the Client back to Zeitraum.

4. Cancellation Conditions

  1. 4.1.  In addition to the right to withdraw from the Agreement pursuant to Article 3 of the T&C, the Client is entitled to unilaterally cancel the Agreement until the agreed beginning of the Sublease Period under the conditions set out in this Article 4 of the T&C.
  2. 4.2.  The Client is entitled to cancel the Agreement free of charge more than 30 days before the agreed start of the Sublease Period and Zeitraum in such a case will refund the Deposit to the Client in full, no later than 14 days from the delivery of the Client’s cancellation notification.
  3. 4.3.  If the Client cancels the Agreement less than 30 days before the agreed start of the Sublease Period, they are obliged to pay Zeitraum a cancellation fee in the amount of the agreed monthly Rent (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Cancellation Fee’), and Zeitraum is entitled to use the Deposit as a payment of the Cancellation Fee in such a case. The Client’s obligation to pay the Cancellation Fee does not arise if the Client was also entitled to withdraw from the Agreement pursuant to Article 3 of the T&C.
  4. 4.4.  According to Article 4, the Client is entitled to cancel the Agreement without giving a reason or for any reason. The Client must inform Zeitraum in writing about the Agreement’s termination by a letter sent to the address of Zeitraum, U Půjčovny 952/2, Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic, or by email to Zeitraum’s e-mail address,, delivery date of the Agreement’s termination notification to Zeitraum being decisive for the compliance with the deadline.
  5. 4.5.  If the Client does not arrive at Zeitraum Student Houses to take over the Subject of the Sublease on the first day of the Sublease Period for any reason, the Agreement expires (termination condition). The Client is also obligated to pay the Cancellation Fee to Zeitraum in such a case and Zeitraum is entitled to use the Deposit to pay the Cancellation Fee in such a case.
  6. 4.6.  The Client is obliged to pay the Cancellation Fee even if the reason for the Client’s cancellation is extraordinary or unforeseeable circumstances arising independently of the Client’s will (e.g., pandemics, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, government regulations on closing borders, etc.).

5. Subject of the Sublease

5.1. By concluding the Agreement, the Client has the right to sublease the category of the Subject of the Sublease in Zeitraum Student Houses selected by the Client, but not the right to sublease a

specific room or apartment; it is determined by Zeitraum within Zeitraum Student Houses and the category of the Subject of the Sublease selected by the Client.

  1. 5.2.  The Subject of the Sublease is provided with equipment and furniture, whereby the general description is given on Zeitraum’s website, A specific list of equipment regarding the Subject of the Sublease will be included in the handover protocol drawn-up between Zeitraum and the Client upon handover of the Subject of the Sublease.
  2. 5.3.  The Client may use the Subject of the Sublease exclusively for the stay. The Client is not entitled to leave the Subject of the Sublease or part thereof to a third party for use, nor allow a third party to use the Subject of the Sublease together with the Client. Accommodation of third parties in the Subject of the Sublease is prohibited. In the event of a breach of this provision, Zeitraum is entitled to require that the Client pay a contractual penalty in the amount of 5,000 CZK.
  3. 5.4.  Within the use of the Subject of the Sublease, the Client is entitled to use the common areas in Zeitraum Student Houses according to Zeitraum’s instructions and only in such a way as not to disturb or restrict other users.
  4. 5.5.  If the Subject of the Sublease is a bed in a multi-bed room, the Client acknowledges that additional beds in the room will be occupied by other Zeitraum clients and the Client is obliged to tolerate the use of the room by other roommates and not to disturb them while using the room with them. The Client does not have the right to choose a roommate.
  5. 5.6.  In the event of extraordinary circumstances, Zeitraum is entitled to request the Client to move to another Subject of the Sublease, provided that the following conditions are met:
    1. (i)  the new Subject of the Sublease is the same or higher category (e.g., apartment instead of a double room),
    2. (ii)  the new Subject of the Sublease is in Zeitraum Student Houses,
    3. (iii)  the change in the Subject of the Sublease does not involve a change in the Agreement’s conditions, particularly the Rent amount, this remains unchanged.

    If the above conditions are met, the Client is obliged to move to the new Subject of the Sublease within 15 days from the delivery date of Zeitraum’s notification. If the Client does not agree with the change of the Subject of the Sublease, they are entitled to terminate the Agreement within 10 days from the delivery date of Zeitraum’s notification on the change of the Subject of the Sublease. The notice period in this case is 1 month and runs from the first day of the month following the month in which the notice was delivered to Zeitraum.

6. Sublease Period

  1. 6.1.  According to the Agreement, the sublease period is agreed for a definite period, namely for the period specified by the Client in the Order (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Sublease Period’).
  2. 6.2.  The Sublease Period may be further extended exclusively by agreement between Zeitraum and the Client.
  3. 6.3.  The Client is not entitled to use the Subject of the Sublease after the Sublease Period’s expiry, and the Agreement shall not be renewed automatically in the event that the Client uses the Subject of the Sublease without authorisation after the Sublease Period’s expiry.

7. Handing over the Subject of the Sublease

  1. 7.1.  The Subject of the Sublease shall be handed over to the Client by Zeitraum on the first day of the Sublease Period between 3 PM and 8 PM, unless the Parties agree otherwise in advance.
  2. 7.2.  A handover protocol will be drafted on the handover of the Subject of the Sublease, which will include a description regarding the condition of the Subject of the Sublease and an equipment list concerning the Subject of the Sublease.
  1. 7.3.  By signing the handover protocol, the Client confirms that the Subject of the Sublease is in a condition suitable for the purpose of use according to the Agreement.
  2. 7.4.  If the Agreement was concluded less than 14 days before the agreed beginning of the Sublease Period and the period for the Client’s withdrawal from the Agreement pursuant to Article 3 of the T&C, the Client expressly agrees that Zeitraum will start performance under the Agreement within this withdrawal period by signing the handover protocol.

8. Rent

  1. 8.1.  The Client is obliged to pay Zeitraum a monthly rent for the use of the Subject of the Sublease in the amount specified in Zeitraum’s Offer and confirmed by the Client in the Order (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Rent’).
  2. 8.2.  The Rent is agreed in CZK or EUR, according to the Client’s choice in the Order, and it is a Rent for one calendar month of the Sublease Period. If the sublease begins or ends during the calendar month, the Client is obligated to pay Zeitraum a proportional part of the Rent for the given calendar month.
  3. 8.3.  The Rent includes charges for electricity, water supply, heating and internet connection (hereinafter referred to as ‘Services’).
  4. 8.4.  The Rent stated includes all taxes and fees except for stays of less than 61 consecutive calendar days. In this case, the price is added 50 CZK per person for each day of stay, except for the day of the beginning of the stay. This fee is payable on arrival by credit card. In case that the reservation has been made for a longer period of time and subsequently shortened to less than 61 days, this fee is paid upon departure (in case of non-payment, this fee may be charged from the deposit held).
  5. 8.5.  The Client was informed with regard to the Rent amount according to the type of the Subject of the Sublease selected by the Client before placing the Order on Zeitraum’s website,, for the selected type of the Subject of the Sublease.

9. Payment Terms

9.1. The Client is obliged to pay Rent to Zeitraum for the first calendar month of the Sublease Period, or for its proportional part, no later than at the moment of taking over the Subject of the Sublease, namely:

  1. (i)  payment by card upon taking over the Subject of the Sublease, or
  2. (ii)  in advance by bank transfer to the following Zeitraum’s bank account:

Currency: CZK/EUR (according to the Client’s choice in the Order)
Account number: 272957324/0300 (CZK) / 272957631/0300 (EUR)
Bank: Československá Obchodní banka
IBAN: CZ64 0300 0000 0002 7295 7324 (CZK) / CZ20 0300 0000 0002 7295 7631 EUR) SWIFT: CEKOCZPP

  1. 9.2.  If the Client does not pay the Rent for the first calendar month of the Sublease Period according to Article 9.1 of the T&C, Zeitraum is entitled to terminate the Agreement without a notice period. Zeitraum is also entitled to require that the Client pay a contractual penalty in the amount corresponding to one Rent.
  2. 9.3.  The Client is obliged to pay the Rent monthly in advance, no later than on the 25th day of the previous calendar month.
  3. 9.4.  The Client is obliged to pay the Rent in the agreed currency, i.e., in CZK or EUR according to the Client’s choice in the Order, by cashless payment, namely by bank transfer to Zeitraum’s bank account:Currency: CZK/EUR (according to the Client’s choice in the Order)
    Account number: 272957324/0300 (CZK) / 272957631/0300 (EUR)
    Bank: Československá Obchodní banka
    IBAN: CZ64 0300 0000 0002 7295 7324 (CZK) / CZ20 0300 0000 0002 7295 7631 EUR) SWIFT: CEKOCZPPor by card payment.
  4. 9.5.  In the case of a bank transfer, the moment of payment of any payment is crediting the relevant amount to the relevant Zeitraum bank account.
  5. 9.6.  In the event of the Client’s delay in Rent payment, Zeitraum is entitled to require that the Client pay a contractual penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the amount due for each day of delay.

10. Deposit

  1. 10.1.  If Zeitraum incurs any sublease-related debt in relation to the Client during the sublease relationship (e.g., Rent debt, interest on arrears, contractual penalty, compensation for damage caused by the Client’s breach of obligations), Zeitraum is entitled to use the Deposit to settle such debt.
  2. 10.2.  The Client is obliged to maintain the Deposit in the amount specified in Article 2.7 of the T&C during the entire Sublease Period. If Zeitraum uses the Deposit (or part thereof) to settle the Client’s sublease-related debt, the Client is obliged to supplement or renew the Deposit to the original amount specified in Article 2.7 of the T&C without undue delay, but no later than within five working days from the notification’s delivery date for the use of the Deposit to the Client.
  3. 10.3.  Zeitraum shall return the Deposit (or the part thereof not used to pay the Client’s debt) after the end of the sublease no later than one (1) month from the date that the Client (i) cleared the Subject of the Sublease and handed it over to Zeitraum duly cleared and without defects and (ii) paid all their debts to Zeitraum and no such debts may arise, whichever comes later.
  4. 10.4.  The Deposit does not bear interest. Therefore, the Client is not entitled to any interest or any other appreciation of the Deposit.

11. Other Rights and Obligations

  1. 11.1.  The Client is obliged to treat the Subject of the Sublease, including its equipment, and use the Subject of the Sublease in such a way that no damage to the Subject of the Sublease or deterioration of its condition beyond normal wear and tear occurs, and to keep it clean and functional.
  2. 11.2.  The Client is obliged to behave in the Subject of the Sublease and in the common areas in such a way as not to disturb or restrict other users.
  1. 11.3.  The Client is liable for all damages that arise on the Subject of the Sublease, including its equipment, and for damages that the Client causes to the common parts or Zeitraum Student Houses equipment.
  2. 11.4.  Zeitraum Student Houses, including the Subject of the Sublease, are strictly non-smoking. The Client undertakes to comply with this smoking ban. In the event of a breach of this smoking ban, Zeitraum Student Houses are entitled to require that the Client pay a contractual penalty in the amount of 5,000 CZK for each case of breach. In the event of a repeated breach regarding the smoking ban, Zeitraum is entitled to terminate the Agreement without notice. If the fire sensors are triggered in any way, and therefore causing a false fire alarm, the Client is obliged to pay for the intervention of fire brigade vehicles in full.
  3. 11.5.  The Client is obliged to notify Zeitraum without undue delay of the need for any repairs to the Subject of the Sublease, including its equipment, and to allow Zeitraum to make such repairs. Zeitraum will make an announcement concerning repairs within a reasonable time (due to the nature of the repairs) after the Client has notified Zeitraum about the need for such repairs and allowed them to be carried out.
  4. 11.6.  The Client is not entitled to make any changes or modifications to the Subject of the Sublease, including the assembly or installation of any objects on the wall of the Subject of the Sublease.
  5. 11.7.  Zeitraum is obliged to leave the Subject of the Sublease to the Client for use so that they can use it for the agreed purpose, and to keep the Subject of the Sublease in this condition. Zeitraum is obliged to ensure the undisturbed use of the Subject of the Sublease for the Client for the agreed Sublease Period. If Zeitraum breaches these obligations, the Client is entitled to demand a reasonable discount from the Rent from Zeitraum under the conditions set out in the Civil Code.
  6. 11.8.  Zeitraum announces house rules for the use of Zeitraum Student Houses, which it is entitled to change unilaterally at any time. The current House Rules are always published (posted) in the common areas of Zeitraum Student Houses and on Zeitraum’s website, The Client is obliged to follow these House Rules.
  7. 11.9.  The common areas of Zeitraum Student Houses are equipped with a camera system to protect the property. The Client is obliged to tolerate the camera system in Zeitraum Student Houses.
  8. 11.10.  Zeitraum (or a person authorised by them) is entitled, upon prior email or telephone notification, to enter the Subject of the Sublease to check the condition of the Subject of the Sublease or the Client’s compliance with their obligations under the Agreement. The Client is obliged to endure this check.
  9. 11.11.  In the event of damage or imminent risk of damage, Zeitraum (or a person authorised by them) is entitled to enter the Subject of the Sublease without notifying the Client in advance. Zeitraum subsequently informs the Client of the purpose for entering the Subject of the Sublease and what measures have been taken.
  10. 11.12.  Except for Services, Zeitraum does not provide the Client with any other sublease-related services for the Subject of the Sublease in the event of sublease. Zeitraum does not provide the cleaning of the Subject of the Sublease or the change of bed sheets. A washer and a dryer are available at Zeitraum Student Houses for a fee.
  11. 11.13.  The Client acknowledges that Zeitraum is obliged to fulfil obligations stipulated by Act No 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic, including the notification obligation, in the event of foreigners stays. To fulfil these obligations, the Client is obliged to provide Zeitraum with the necessary cooperation consisting, inter alia, in filling in the application form. If the Client does not have the right to reside in the Czech Republic, or it has expired, Zeitraum is entitled to terminate the Agreement without a notice period.
  12. 11.14.  The Client acknowledges that personal data obtained during the Agreement’s performance will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council from April 27th, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to personal data processing and on the free movement of such data, and in accordance with Zeitraum’s Privacy Policy published on Zeitraum’s website,

12. Termination of the Agreement

  1. 12.1.  The sublease ends at the end of the Sublease Period. Prior to the Sublease Period’s expiry, the sublease may be terminated by a written agreement between Zeitraum and the Client or by termination of either Party.
  2. 12.2.  The Client is entitled to terminate the Agreement before the expiry of the agreed Sublease Period for any reason or without stating a reason. The notice must be in writing and must be delivered to Zeitraum. In the event of such termination, the sublease expires on the last day of the calendar month in which the termination notice was delivered to Zeitraum. However, the Client is obliged to pay Zeitraum compensation for the premature termination of the Sublease Period in the amount of one months‘ Rent. Zeitraum is entitled to use the Deposit to pay this compensation.
  3. 12.3.  Zeitraum is entitled to terminate the Agreement before the agreed Sublease Period expires if the Client breaches their obligations under the Agreement despite the call. The notice must be in writing and must be delivered to the Client. In the event of such termination, the sublease expires on the fifth day from the delivery date of the notice to the Client.
  4. 12.4.  Zeitraum is also entitled to terminate the Agreement before the agreed Sublease Period expires in the cases specified in the T&C.
  5. 12.5.  At the end of the sublease, the Client is obliged to return the Subject of the Sublease to Zeitraum clean, cleared and in the same condition as it was at the time of handover to the Client, taking into account the usual wear and tear with proper use. The Client is obliged to return all keys, access cards and all other items that they took over from Zeitraum in connection with the Agreement’s conclusion.
  6. 12.6.  The Client shall submit the Subject of the Sublease to Zeitraum on the day the sublease ends, no later than 11 AM, unless Zeitraum and the Client agree otherwise.
  7. 12.7.  In the event of the Client’s delay in clearing and handing over the Subject of the Sublease properly and on time, Zeitraum is entitled to require that the Client pay a contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 4% for each day of delay.

13. Dispute Resolution

  1. 13.1.  All disputes between Zeitraum and the Client under the Agreement will be resolved primarily by negotiations between the Parties.
  2. 13.2.  If a dispute between the Client and Zeitraum arises under the Agreement that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the Client can submit a proposal for an out-of-court settlement for such a dispute under the Agreement to the relevant out-of-court settlement entity for consumer disputes pursuant to Act No 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, which is:Czech Trade Inspection AuthorityCentral Inspectorate – Department for Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Štěpánská 15
    120 00, Prague 2
    Email: adr@coi.czWEB:
    The necessary information for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes is published onthe Czech Trade Inspection Authority website at
  3. 13.3.  The Client can also use the online dispute resolution platform set-up by the EuropeanCommission at
  4. 13.4.  If the dispute between Zeitraum and the Client is not settled out of court, such dispute will be decided by the Czech Republic courts.

14. Common and Final Provisions

  1. 14.1.  Neither Party is entitled to transfer its rights and obligations under the Agreement or any part thereof to a third party without the other Party’s prior written consent.
  2. 14.2.  The Parties to the Agreement assume the risk of a change of circumstances and that any change of circumstances does not establish any right of either Party to assert any claims related thereto.
  3. 14.3.  All notifications, requests or other forms of communication made by one of the Parties under or in connection with the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Notification’) must be made in writing and, unless otherwise specified, must be delivered to the relevant Party (addressee) in person, by courier, post or email. Email messages are also considered a written form. Unless otherwise specified, the contact details of the Parties for sending Notifications are:Zeitraum:Address: (i) U Půjčovny 952/2, New Town of Prague, 110 00 Prague 1 or(ii) The Zeitraum Student Houses address where the Subject of the Sublease is Email: frontdesk@zeitraum.reClient:Address: (i) The Client’s permanent residential address or(ii) The Zeitraum Student Houses address where the Subject of the Sublease is if the Client is using the Subject of the Sublease at the time of sending the NotificationEmail: The Client’s email specified by the Client in the Order
  4. 14.4.  The Agreement and relationships deriving therefrom shall be governed by Czech Republic law.
  5. 14.5.  The Agreement is concluded in Czech language.
  6. 14.6.  Zeitraum is not bound by any code of conduct.

Annexe 1
Sample withdrawal form

The Client fills in this form and sends it to Zeitraum by post or email to the address below only if they want to withdraw from the Agreement.


Zeitraum s.r.o.

by post to:
U Půjčovny 952/2
110 00 Prague 1 -Nové Město


by email to:

Notice of withdrawal from the Agreement

I hereby inform you that I withdraw from the Sublease Agreement No (fill in the Sublease Agreement number according to the Agreement conclusion confirmation) concluded on (fill in the Agreement’s conclusion date, i.e., the date of the Order), the subject matter which is the sublease of the following premises:

Zeitraum Student House: (add Zeitraum Student House according to the Agreement conclusion confirmation)
Room category: (add the Subject of the Sublease category according to the Agreement conclusion confirmation)

Agreed sublease period from – to: (fill in according to the Agreement conclusion confirmation)

Client’s name and surname: Client’s address:
Client’s signature:

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