Nearby services

  • Bus stop (Koszykarska) (300 meters)
  • Train station (12 min) from the tram stop (Kuklińskiego)
  • Grocery store 06:00-23:00 (50 m)
  • ATM near the entrance
  • Main Square, and the Old Town (35 minutes by public transport)
    Bars, restaurants and clubs
  • Park Płaszów Garden

Feature check-list

  • 24/7 reception support & security, change of bed linen once a month

  • High speed WiFi

  • 11 shared kitchens, common rooms with ULTRA HD TV, laundry room, mini gym, reading room

  • One card for everything - Front door, Room door

The space

  • Single room

    • from 2200 PLN / month
  • Double room

    • from 1400 PLN/pax / month
  • Three-bed room

    • from 1200 PLN/pax / month
  • Single room for people with disabilities

    • from 2200 PLN / month

The neighborhood

Live and study in Krakow means experiencing the culture and history of a city considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. You will enjoy its gastronomy and the friendly approach of locals.

Płaszów area is a part of the biggest district of Krakow called Podgórze. You can find unusual monuments and tourist attractions, such as Krak Mound or Bagry lagoon there.
With plenty to see and do, you could easily spend a whole day walking around Podgórze or along the river.

The Bernatek Footbridge is a quick way to get to Kazimierz district, the former Jewish district, where you can find shopping centers, restaurants, and bars.

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